

Estimating the Population on Yayoi Campus by 3C Sensing

(Updated: )

人口: 現在数/日毎最大数/定員 (接続可能PC数)

Population: Current/Today's Max/Capacity (WiFi Capacity)

混雑度 (Congestion Ratio):
0%[0%~50%][50%~75%][75%, ~]

農2号館 (Agri. Bldg. No.2)

1階 (1st Floor)
化学第2講義室 (Chemical Lecture Room 2)化学第3講義室 (Chemical Lecture Room 3)
0/21/41 (50) 0/7/57 (-)
2階 (2nd Floor)
化学第1講義室 (Chemical Lecture Room 1)
43/43/70 (-)

農3号館 (Agri. Bldg. No.3)

B1階 (Basement 1st Floor)
生協農学部食堂 (Coop Cafeteria)
3/37/180 (-)
1階 (1st Floor)
教務課窓口 (Academic Affairs Division)
0/16/20 (-)
2階 (2nd Floor)
水圏第1講義室 (Aquatic Bioscience Lecture Room 1)
0/24/39 (-)
3階 (3rd Floor)
水圏第2講義室 (Aquatic Bioscience Lecture Room 2)
0/4/25 (-)
4階 (4th Floor)
教授会室 (Faculty Meeting Room)
0/0/150 (50)

農7号館A棟 (Agri. Bldg. No.7A)

1階 (1st Floor)
113講義室 (Lecture Room 113)114講義室 (Lecture Room 114)115講義室 (Lecture Room 115)
0/12/36 (50) 0/0/32 (50) 55/55/32 (50)

農7号館B棟 (Agri. Bldg. No.7B)

2階 (2nd Floor)
231講義室 (Lecture Room 231)232講義室 (Lecture Room 232)
0/6/36 (100) 0/5/36 (100)

フードサイエンス棟 (Food Science Building)

1階 (1st Floor)
中島ホール (Nakashima Hall)
0/2/78 (50)

弥生講堂 (Yayoi Auditorium)

1階 (1st Floor)
一条ホール (Ichijo Hall)
15/25/- (-)

弥生講堂アネックス (Yayoi Auditorium Annex)

1階 (1st Floor)
セイホクギャラリー (Seihoku Gallery)アネックス1階 (Annex 1st floor)
2/25/60 (100) 0/0/- (-)
2階 (2nd Floor)
アネックス2階 (Annex 2nd floor)
0/5/- (-)

農学生命科学研究科図書館 (University Library for Agricultural and Life Sciences)

1階 (1st Floor)
窓口 (Reception)
9/9/- (-)
3階 (3rd Floor)
PC端末室1 (PC Room 1)
0/0/- (-)

    *Note:  The inferred population is calculated by the detected number of installed COCOA App and the installation ratio. The COCOA App installation ratio is from both the data from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare ( https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/cocoa_00138.html) and our own statistics on campus. The population inference algorithm may be subject to change.  


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